liking of posts made my mind go to God.
I asked myself if God had a like button would He like everything that I
was doing?
should be our goal to do things that would make God want to hit His like
button. So how can we make sure that we
do those certain tasks in life?
Deuteronomy 10:12-13 NIV Moses said to the people,
12 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your
God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to
love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul, 13 and
to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your
own good?
fear God doesn’t actually mean to be scared.
When we fear the Lord we are showing Him the utmost respect. We should want to perform tasks in this world
that would make Him proud that we are His children and not do things that would
make us fear Him. This means obeying His
commandments and avoiding all sin.
we think of walking, we think of what we do with our legs, however when we walk
with the Lord we are referring to a way of living. We should strive to live the way the Lord would
want us to live and turning our head when Satan tries to coax us in his
God does
love no doubt about it. We should love
the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength. Love the Lord and love our
neighbor are part of the 10 commandments, that alone should tell us
something. When we love the Lord we want
to serve Him in a way that every tasks we do leads Him to hitting the like
have two choices when it comes to serving.
We can serve the Lord or we can serve the world. We all know what our choice should be. Serve Him by doing His will. Serve Him by leading others to Him.
bible tells us what God wants us to do for Him to hit the like button. It gives us the valuable information to
follow to get unlimited amount of likes from God. The more we do in obedience to God the more
likes we will receive.
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