Saturday, February 28, 2015


The ocean is deep, very deep.  Beyond the surface of the waves lies beauty.  Most of us will never travel there, but some may reach the depth that is filled with fabulous interesting creatures.  We can however see the beauty because of others.  Some study the wonderful blessings that lie far below where the eye can’t see. 

There is a world that lies within our souls.  We share parts of ourselves but other parts are hidden.  We hide behind a mask of happy, but we don’t have pure joy. 

Joy has become my word for the year.  I am digging deep to find how we can find joy in every situation even those situations that are dark and deep within us.  It is time to dive into our souls.  Dive into the depth that you don’t like to share and that others can’t see. 

JOY- to have it this is what we must remember.

 J-JESUS it is because of Him that we live.  He died for us.  Because of this death we are forgiven.

 O- INNER CIRCLE we all have one.  The inner circle is made up of those who love you unconditional.  Those individuals that have gone deep within.  They know your joys and your fears.  They are here for you all day everyday.  They only want happiness for you.  Even Jesus had an inner circle.  It was made up of those disciples that he trusted completely and those that loved Him no matter what the circumstance. 
Y-YOU you are loved you are important and don’t YOU FORGET IT.  God loved us so much that He gave His son for us.  He loves you and wants you to find the JOY that lies deep within underneath the surface. 

Dig down into yourself.  Find what lies beyond your surface.  There is beauty deep within.  You may not think so, but there is.  If you are troubled, if you are tired reach deep and find the wonderful blessings that await you.  You may not be able to see it, but the Lord can.  He is waiting for you to realize the joy that is deep within you.

Friday, February 27, 2015


Several people I know have been diagnosed with cancer.  Actually too many have been given the medical sentencing that we don’t want to be the verdict.  So what do we do when we have had these words repeated to us?  We begin the fight; at that very minute we begin the fight for life. 

Last night on Greys Anatomy one of the doctors was going up against a tumor.  This is how she described the situation:

The cancer is a creature of habit.  It wants to grow inside of us taking over.   It takes up space, invading and pushing good tissue aside making room for it to grow.   The tumor is bold and brazen; it thinks it is in charge.  You cant’ let it intimidate you, you have to have a plan for attack.  You have to think about your plan.  You have to realize that it must be done correctly or you are in trouble.  The first move determines everything.  You must reduce the margins cutting back this fierce aggressive mass of life.  Don’t let it intimidate you.  Destroy it or it will invade your life.  Don’t let the tumor be the enemy you become the enemy.

You may not have been told that you are living with cancer, however you are living in a world where a cancer is lurking in the shadows.  Satan dwells within our lives everyday.  He is like a cancer.  He wants to take over your body.  He will take up space invading your life making peaceful situations turn into agitated ones.  He is bold and brazen; he thinks he is in charge.  He will intimidate you.

 So you must have a plan of attack destroying him not letting him become the enemy.  The Lord has already made a plan for you.  Satan’s stronghold has already been guaranteed through Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.  Because of God the “cancer” has lost its power.  We have to choose to be on God's side in this battle of God vs. Satan.  We must live as God says and He will rescue us from the power of the cancer.   God is destined to win this battle, make sure that you are with Him. 

Infiltrate your life with God.  Make sure that He has invaded every part of you.   When you are satuarated with God’s love He will attack the “cancer.”  The “cancer” will shrink.  God will attack cutting back the margins.  The “cancer” will no longer be fierce and in control God will be. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Baby bear is getting so big.  When we hold him he likes to grasp onto something.  He will grab your hair, your shirt or your necklace.  One day he almost ripped my earring out.   Whatever he can find to wrap his little fingers around he will.  The grip is unbelievable.  It is tight and strong; you can tell he doesn’t want to let go. 

Do you hold onto anything?  Do you have a grip on something and you don’t or won’t let go?  You may have a difficult time trying to decide what to hold on to.  The decision isn’t that difficult.

We should hold onto God and only God.  Hold on to Him putting all of your trust in Him and His everlasting word.  When we are on our life journey we will come across adversities and difficulties in life.  When this happens cling to Him with a grip that can’t be pried apart. 

In the bible Job was one that had a grip on life with God.  He went through many situations that if he hadn’t been attached to God he would have been in deep despair.  However Job refused to let go of his faith.  He had a grasp on God and He wasn’t’ letting anything pry him away.  This unwavering commitment is what we all need. 

That unshakable faith in the Lord during all circumstances of life is the example that Job has given us.  Grab onto your faith in the Lord.  Don’t let go of Him.  When Satan ventures into your life don’t be persuaded to loosen your grip.  Hold on and don’t let go!

As quoted by Charles Stanley “In order to hold on to God through any trial or temptation, commit to trust and follow Him all of your days. Lay claim to His promises: The unchanging Lord and Savior (Heb. 13:8) is committed to caring for you in all circumstances (1 Peter 5:7) and will never leave or forsake you (Heb. 13:5).”

Monday, February 23, 2015


Epiphany, a breakthrough, have you ever had one?  This term is used to describe a scientific breakthrough, religious or philosophical discovery.  We can have an epiphany.  It is that experience of sudden and striking realization.  We can gain a new and deeper perspective about a situation that we have wondered, pondered, and thought about. 

So have you ever had one?  When we experience an epiphany it is one of those aha moments that we have been waiting on.  We understand why certain things have happened or why certain people act the way they do.  It is then when the light bulb goes off and we understand completely. 

When we look at epiphany from a religious standpoint we find several different thoughts.  With western Christianity it is the time after Christmas that correlates with the visit of the wise men.  It is also the time when Christ revealed himself to the world as God’s own son from the standpoint of the Eastern Christianity. 

To receive an aha moment we must be wise and understand that Jesus is God’s own son.  When we turn everything over to Him, trusting Him completely, we will receive answers to many questions that we have been waiting on.  Many of our question marks will be replaced with periods and we will be able to understand some things that have been uncertain. 

Allow God to reveal Himself to you.  Trust in Him, go to Him with all of your concerns and you will find that you will have many aha moments!  That which is cloudy will become clear.  Epiphany awaits you.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


When I was a reading specialist I performed many tests on students.  These tests or screenings would give you a diagnosis of where the child’s reading level fell.  Not very many but some I would refer to a diagnostic clinic if I felt there was some other issue present.    

You may have had a diagnosis during your lifetime.  It may be a good one or it may be a scary one.  You may know what to do or you may be waiting to find out what you need to do.  The specialist will examine or screen your symptoms and them determine the nature of your problem. 

You may have a diagnosis of yourself.  You may feel useless, worthless or unloved.  This diagnosis usually came from the input or opinion of others.  Many of you have lived a life locked in chains from the views you accepted from others.  So how do you break the chains and change your diagnosis?

In the book “LIES WOMEN BELIEVE” by Nancy Leigh Demoss, on page 69 Nancy tells us that, “We need to learn to love ourselves.”  I know you are thinking easier said than done when given a diagnosis of worthlessness.  Nancy shares an acronym for “LOVE YOURSLEF,” that she found in a religious catalog. 

L          let go of the should in your life
O         Open up to the miracle of you
V          value your uniqueness
E          explore your dreams and passions

Y          yield to life-go with the flow
O         obey the voice of your spirit
U         unwind-get cozy and comfy
R          renew yourself-body and soul
S          surround yourself with caring people
E          express yourself-be true to you
L          linger longer at what you enjoy
F          feel God’s special love for you

During this Lenten season remember to love yourself as Christ loves you.  He made the ultimate sacrifice so that we will live and be forgiven.  He doesn’t want us to feel worthless and unloved.  You were made to do great things.  Go to Him, ask Him to lead you to that which is His purpose for you and get busy.  The best diagnosis is yet to come.