Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My word for June 7th is DOORS

Anna left for cheer camp this morning.   My last time to send one of the girls off to this fun filled week of loudness.  I have been sending one of them to cheer camp, with all their supplies, for ten years now.  Another chapter of our lives is beginning and closing at the same time.  Anna, being the youngest and beginning her senior year, will have a school year ahead that is filled with many memories, some happy and some sad.   Those times that teenagers want to hurry up and finish, but then later in life they wish they were back in the middle of those high school years.  Many doors will be opening and closing this year, but then some will be swinging into a new phase of life. 

When the Lord closes a door He is always opening one, opening a world of new beginnings.   As we travel down this road of life, we will come across many doors. When we come to a closed door we are frustrated and mad, upset because the door is slammed shut and dead bolted.  The key has been lost and there is no way that it will open.  Always think of closed doors as blessings from God.  They are often an indication that God has something else in mind for us.  Closed doors are definitively His will and our peace comes from accepting them.  There are doors, however that are open, open wide for us to easily walk through.  These are the doors that help us move gracefully through life.  At times we will question these open doors, but God doesn’t play games with us.  When the door is open we should pray, weigh the outcomes and then simply choose whether to walk through or not.  God will be happy about what decision we choose. 

Don’t be upset if you come across a closed door, this is God’s way to prepare you for something better that lies ahead.  Don’t try to pry it open, leave it closed and try another door.  There is always a door that God has opened for you that no one can shut.  Just believe with your heart and the door to a better life will be waiting, opening for you, ready for you to run through.

For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

`What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open'' (Revelation 2:7b NIV).

Dear Lord thank you for closed doors and open ones.  We know that You have a purpose for both.  Lead us to opportunities that wait for us behind our doors of the future and help us to understand when we come across doors that are sealed tight.  Guide us during 2012 through the doors that lead to a brighter tomorrow. 

Continued Reading:
Points to remember:
                It is God who opens and closes doors
                Closed doors signals change and points to new directions
                Closed doors is an incentive to pray more
                Closed doors prevents trust in man
                Closed doors make you await God's time
                God closes prepare you for the task ahead
                What God opens no one can shut
                Closed doors are a blessing Eagle Flight, A Special Study: Watch For Open Doors and Closed Doors, Bob Stone  

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