My word for June 14th is Directions
The town that we live in is only 9800 people, it is a place
where you can call the wrong number and still have the right one. You will never get lost and if you do
you just keep going and you will finally run in to where you want to go. Today Anna and I had to go to Conway
for a Junior Classic Softball Game.
After pictures we decided we wanted Chick Filet ice-dream, “yum”. We got on the interstate and took a
right, what I thought was the exit.
Soon we realized there was no Chick Filet around. Anna looked it up on her phone and the
little blue dot was telling us where to go, only it said go left, we did and it
was the wrong direction. So we
turned around and headed back the other way. Finally after going through a few lights and a few streets
we found the Chick Filet that was on the first road that we are on in the
beginning. I was laughing, Anna
didn’t think it was too funny.
Have you even been lost? You even thought you had the directions, but the directions
led you to the wrong place? There
are many people that are searching for God, but have the wrong directions. They think they have the right ones,
but they make a few wrong turns and find out quickly that those directions got
them to a dead-end. God gives us
the way, he give us the right road map.
We don’t need to search for directions or ignore His directions. The truth is there is only one
direction to God. The one way to
God is through His son Jesus. God
will lie out the path in front of you.
He will map out the way with the correct twists and turns. Even if at times you make the wrong
turn he will guide you back to where you need to be, if you will let Him. If you follow His route for you, then
you will experience a life of joy and peace.
Turn on God’s GPS system it will never lead you astray. It will keep you on the path to Him; He
will lead you to the way.
God has the correct directions!
Dear God thank you for giving us directions. We realize that many times we take some
detours, but with Your help we end up on the right track. Assist us in following Your GPS during
2012 so we are led to our worthwhile destination.
John 14:6 (AMP)
Jesus said to him, I am the way and the Truth and the Life;
no one comes to the father except by (through) me.
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