Yep I got one of those lectures from my husband. One of those talks that towards the end of
the 20 minutes I wish I wouldn’t have asked his opinion. Yes he is smarter than me! He knows money, he knows management and he
knows business. He is an expertise at
agriculture and all the in’s and out’s of the farming world.
Did I say he was smarter than me? Yes I did, but I need to finish that. He is smarter than me in all the areas I
listed above, but he isn’t smarter than me when it comes to teaching, writing,
speaking and knowing how to write the perfect speech that will reach all the
personality types that are sitting in the room.
So is he smarter than me?
Yes in some areas he is, but not in all.
My husband has been blessed with certain gifts and so have I.
We are all gifted. We
each have something inside of us that no one else has. The Lord created each of us uniquely. In Dr. Carolyn Leaf’s book “The Gift in You,”
she states several things about our gifts that jumped off the page at me.
You have a divinely pre-wired gift- a gift God
has placed within you- and in that gift you have everything you need to achieve
your unique and marvelous purpose.
Many people never uncover their gifts and use
You can only be you and who you are at the core
will leak out, no matter how much you suppress it.
The true you is meant to glorify, to love, to
reach beyond yourself, but you cannot grow into the fullest expression of God’s
creation if you live in doubt or unrest.
Success is living out God’s purpose for your
life- using the gift He has given
You are prewired with a specific gift that no one can take
away from you. God places your gift
inside of you and it conjures and grows.
It may take days, months or years to develop, but your special gift will
finally float to the surface. When it is
time for your gift to be uncovered you will know it. The Lord will place you in the right
environment with the correct people to bring your gift to life.
You are smart. You
are smart in the area where you are gifted.
Ask God to unwrap your special gift, so you can live and grow in it to
the greatest potential.
Being a genius is in all of us when we use our special gifts
that God has given us.
Romans 12:6-8New International
Version (NIV)
6 We
have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift
is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a]
faith; 7 if
it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give
encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it

The Gift in You- Dr. Caroline Leaf
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