Monday, April 30, 2012

Let Him lead your steps!

My word for May 1st is STEP

My word for May 1st is STEP

Every morning I wake up and check to make sure that I have placed my writing properly on my Facebook page.  This morning I checked and also read a post on my favorite page “Karma Without Harm”.  Patricia Menko had left this quote, “When a task seems too large, break it down.  Still too large?  Break it down further.  It’s okay to make breathing a step.”  So true.  On August 3, 2011 I began my steps to the future, to a new beginning.  Everyday was a step; every moment was a step, every minute a step, and every breath a step.  Sometimes the steps were easy, but some were difficult.  Some were large steps and some were baby steps.  Some would make me smile and others would leave me in tears.  Every step however leads me to a new day, a new me, and a new life.  These steps may seem miles apart, but I know that they lead me to a fabulous future. 

How do we make our steps easier?  This is a simple question.  Walking with God will lead you to the healing that you need.  When we are faced with a challenging situation it becomes easier when we take every step with Him.  This can be difficult.  The devil will sometimes sneak into our path and shorten our steps.  He can also make us stumble, but God is there to pick us up when we fall. 

Step through your challenges and let God lead the way.    He will help you make every step count. 

Dear Lord be with us when we take steps in this journey of 2012.  Lead our steps in the direction that you want us to go.   We know that some of our steps must be small, but it is the small steps that lead to the big ones.              We walk down this journey of 2012 finding the steps that lead to Your wisdom and peace. 

~Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV)
“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

~Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”

Sunday, April 29, 2012

God will help you progress to YES!

My word for April 30th is YES

My word for April 30th is YES

Once again I credit Joel Osteen in leading me to my word today.  Every Sunday I watch him on channel 17 at 8:00am.  This morning he gave his message on “YES”. 

Have you ever been told no?  Have you ever had a dream or a vision and it didn’t work?  Last year I was literacy director for our school district, I was presenting in-services, raising test scores, passing on new ideas.  With my fellow teachers we were presenting at national conferences, schools wanted us to present to their teachers.  A friend of mine and I were beginning a website to motivate women.  Everything was trucking right along.  I was excited I knew this was the plan that God had for me.  Then on August 2nd I received two phone calls that would change my life, not just my life but also my whole family’s life.  What I thought was my purpose quickly changed from “yes this is what I am to do” to a screeching halt.  Yes had disappeared and a big NO was in front of me.  The door just didn’t close it slammed in my face and it was locked.  The key was lost. 

God has laid out the perfect plan for us.  The right people are placed in our lives, the right situations are placed in our lives, and the right doors are opened for us.  God doesn’t say that we won’t experience some no’s and some locked doors.  There may be a thousand no’s before we get to the yes.  We can’t let the no’s discourage us.  We must go through the no’s to get to the yes.  The no’s test our faith.  Don’t be discouraged.  The no may be a closed door, but there is an open door waiting for you.  Keep taking the steps closer to your yes.  Be persistent; keep knocking on the doors, your yes is waiting in your future. 

Thomas Edison failed many times, but he didn’t give up.  He kept looking for his yes.  Edison told a friend, “none of my attempts were a waste, I never failed once, I just found ways that wouldn’t work”.  You will find your YES.  We are being prepared by the no’s; the no’s are part of God’s plan.  Staying in faith God promises your yes is around the corner.  Keep pursuing the yes that God has in your future.  Press through your no’s to your dream, your YES is closer than you know.

Dear Lord remind us the no’s are our stepping-stones closer to the YES.  Keep us in faith while experiencing the no’s.  We know that You are laying out the road for our future and You know what is best for us.  Lead us down the path that will build our future to serve You best.  Help us in seeing our no’s not as failures but as building blocks.  Encourage us down this journey of 2012 as we find our YES. 

New International Version (NIV)
20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

To see full version of Joel Osteen’s message visit this website:
#536, Yew is in Your

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thank You!

My word for April 29th is TRADE

My word for April 29th is TRADE

Trade is something that has gone on for years.   Trading dates back to ancient times before Christ.   It began as exchanges of goods and services, originating with the start of communication.   People traded many things.  Back in the older days trade was a form of living.  The invention of money changed trading, it simplified and promoted the trading process.  The market then was wide open to a vas number of products.  Many people now trade in the investment market, hoping that they will trade to make a large profit.  It is a game and timing has to be perfect for the trade to go in the favor of the buyer. 

God knew about trading.  It was God that made the most profitable trade so that we could benefit and receive the benefits from it.  God made a way for us to be forgiven.  He sent his son, who was sinless, to be a trade for us.  Since Jesus was without sin, He traded His life for His death for our sins.  Others judged Jesus, lied about Him then hung Him on the cross to die.  It is through this trade that we are forgiven. 

I doubt that there is very many that would do this type of trade today, but then I look at God’s trade in this way.  God traded His child for His other children.  Wouldn’t you do anything for your children?  As a mother I can answer and say, “yes we would”.  Because God loves us and because we are His children we are given everlasting life and we are forgiven through Jesus.  We live because of the most expensive trade of all, the trade of life for salvation.  Through Jesus, God invested in us.  We will defiantly reap the benefits and make a profit from God’s trade. 

Dear Lord we know that You have invested in us.  Help us to profit from your trade.  We want to walk with you and for your purpose during 2012.  We want You to know that your trade was worth it.  We will rejoice in guiding others to understand what You traded for us.  Through Your trade we are forgiven. 

(I Cor. 15:1-5)  Now I would remind you brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you – unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve, Following CHRIST, God’s Plan, 4) God Made A Way For Us To Be Forgiven, Copyright 1997 Randy Hurst

Friday, April 27, 2012

Show you are walking with God by your SMILE!

My word for April 28th is COUNTENANCE!

My word for April 28th is COUNTENANCE

One thing I have never been able to hide is how I feel.  If I am happy you know it, if I am sad you know it, if I am mad you know it, my countenance shows everything.  The expression on my face is a dead give away of my feelings.  Many people can hide how they feel.  They can pretend they are happy, pretend they like someone, or pretend that life is a bowl of cherries.  Our countenance reveals our true condition.  It reveals on the outside what is going on in the inside.  I have always thought it would be nice to be able to hide all emotions from everyone but are we really hiding?

We can never hide anything from the Lord.  He knows everything.  However when we are walking with Him the countenance on our face will reflect Him.  A blessing that was given to Gods people was that His face would shine upon them and He would life up His countenance upon them.  Joyce Meyer says, “When the world looks at us they need to see something different from them.  Our countenance shows them that we have something they want and need.  We look better when we worship with God.   Worship puts a smile on our face.”

Writing for this page has changed my countenance.  When I am writing for Him one can see it in my countenance.  There isn’t any distress; there is a peace and calmness that is shown on my face.  This is what the Lord does for us.  Everyone around us can tell if we are walking the walk with Him.  Our face will shine and beam with joy.  The Lord enables our expressions to show that we have fully turned our lives over to Him.  During the journey of 2012 change yourself from the inside out.  Walk the journey with Him and let Him lead the way. 

Dear Lord let our countenance show that we are follow You.  We know that by walking this journey with You we will be full of peace and joy.  You let us shine with Your good word.  Our journey of 2012 may lead to some difficulties, but walking it with You will allow us to overcome anything. 

Numbers 6:22-26  King James Version (KJV)
 22And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,  23 Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, 24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:  26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Great read to continue reading about “COUNTENANCE”
“Your Countenance is showing”

NEW DAY NEW YOU, Joyce Meyer, April 27, page 118, copyright 2007, Faith Words

Thursday, April 26, 2012

You made me FREE!

My word April 27th is FREE

My word for April 27 is FREE

I love going on walks especially at the farm.  I always take the dogs with me.  They have the best time running fast, smelling everything, and jumping in every spot of water there is.  At home the little dogs have a fence where they lounge around all day.  We also have an invisible fence for our lab.  Even though they have plenty of room to play they are still fenced in an area.  When they jump out of my car at the farm they know they are free.  They run all over, but they always will stop and look behind them making sure I am following.  It is funny watching them.  One, usually Bella the lab, is in the lead.  She runs, stops and smells, runs, stops and smells.  Chimmy, our rescue dog, is right on Bella’s tail doing everything she does.  Today I took Taffy.  Taffy is our 11 year old Maltese, yes a white dog, not a good mix- dirt and white.  Gosh love her, she tried to keep up but her little legs with her small 8 pound frame couldn’t’ keep up with the 60 pounder or the 25 pounder.  Taffy however had a grand time being free in nature and just hanging out with me pulling up the rear.  If dogs could talk I know they would be saying, “free at last”. 

On the way home from the farm, with all three dogs in the front of my suburban with me, one of my favorite songs came on the radio, “Free” By Dara Maclean.  Here are some of the lyrics:

Hurting heart and broken wings
Cannot stop Your love from always finding me
No more days wasting away
I finally realize the gift inside of me

My strength alone will never be enough
But Your arms keep lifting me up

You tell me I've been made free
You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams
You whisper words that free my soul
You're the reason I have hope
You're everything I need and more
You made me
You made me free

I was caged in, then You opened
Every door that held me bound and You gave me the key
No more pressure I can just breathe
The girl I tried so hard to be, has always been me

My strength alone will never be enough
But Your arms keep lifting me up
Now I'm free to love, free to live,
Free to take my life and give it all to You

We are free.  Whether we have a hurting heart or whether we are broken we can’t stop God from loving us.  He will find us and give us strength.  He puts his arms around us and lifts us up.  The Lord gives us everything we need to walk out of the adversity that we are in and do whatever it is we dream of doing.  He gives us hope and allows us to breathe again.   He opens every door and sets us free from what has us caged in.  He gives us the key so we are free to love, free to live, and free to follow his purpose for us. 

With God you can break out of the cage you are in, you are FREE!

Dear Lord help us to see that we are free when we are walking with You.  You give us everything we need to survive anything and everything.  You lift us up and love us no matter what.  Thank you for loving us so much that we are free to live having hopes and dreams for our future.  During our journey of 2012 keep us out of the cages of life that bring sadness, give us the keys to make our journey free!

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (Isaiah 46:4)

In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free. (Psalm 118:5)

Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My word for April 26th is TESTER

My word for April 26th is TESTER

Today is Laurens birthday “22” I can’t believe it.  She has always said that she was the tester child.  Yes she probably was.  Being the firstborn there were many things that we experienced first hand through her.  She was always my spirited child, strong willed, stubborn, and opinionated.  I would always say these qualities that she had as a child would be great characteristics as an adult and yes they are.  She never gives up and is very goal oriented.  She always finishes what she starts and stands up for what she believes in.  She can have a great time or she can be serious.  She cares deeply for others and can see two sides to every story.  In my opinion she turned out fabulous, even being the tester child. 

Aren’t we all in some way or another tester children?  We try things and they may work or they may not.  Yes it would be simpler if we had a television screen that would show us what was going to happen if we did this or did that, but we don’t.  We just have to do different things and either be happy about the outcome or suffer the consequences.  However, if we are living in the spirit and following what the Lord wants us to do, we won’t have to question whether it is the right thing or not.  When we let the devil whisper in our ear that is when we are being tested.  When Satan is working on us he wants to expose our weaknesses so that he can know where to attack us.  He uses all the weapons that he can to cause conflict, strife and problems in our lives.  When we respond to these tests it shows the devil where our weaknesses are.  When he has tested us and found our weak spots, he knows exactly where to jab us.  This is when it is so important that we trust in the Lord.  If we pray the Lord will hear us.  The Lord is in the middle of all of our situations and will lead us through them.  He has a purpose for our trials and testing times.  The Lord trains us overtime to overcome sin in our lives and enter into victory. 

So even though we may be tired of being the “tester “children this is the Lords way to prepare us.  He makes us experience tests of our faith to make us stronger in spirit.  We have to move through these trying situations to be moved more fully into experiencing the power of God in our lives.  Living through tests shows the Lord and us our weaknesses.  We can then work on them in partnership with the Lord.  We then become prepared for any test that comes our way. 

Dear Lord even though it is hard for us to understand thank you for testing us.  We are glad that we are “tester” children.  We want you to make us the best that we can be.  To work for You we must work through our weaknesses and gain strength.  You will even be more powerful in our lives the more tests we experience.  Be our partner during this journey of 2012 helping us to be prepared for every test that comes our way. 

2 Timothy 3:16 ESV / 3 helpful votes
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

Good follow up article to read: You Are Being Tested, David Wilkerson, December 17, 1990

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God provides the rainbow after the storm!

Face the storms with God

My word for April 25th is REBUILD

My word for April 25th is REBUILD

A year ago Joplin was hit by a ferocious tornado.  It was devastating.  Those of us who live in Stuttgart know what it means to survive a tornado.  Even though our tornado wasn’t as bad as Joplin, many homes and businesses had to be rebuilt.  At first there is the shock of the devastation, non-belief that this has happened.  Then an inventory is taken of the affected areas to see what damage has been done.  The debris has to be removed and all of the materials needed to rebuild must be gathered.  Next is the rebuilding.  It takes strength, it takes faithfulness, and it takes patience.  The citizens of Joplin have the will to rebuild; they are full of spirit and determination.  They are committed to staying and rebuilding what they love. 

At times our lives are similar to the devastation caused by a tornado.  We experience situations that blow into our lives and destroy.  They take away what we knew, we are left to rebuild and start a new.  It begins with the denial.  The questions of why did this happen?  How did this happen?  What went wrong?  What did I do wrong?    Many questions swirl through the mind.  An inventory of the damage is taken and the question asked, can anything be rebuilt?  The debris has to be removed to move on.  Anyone and anything that has caused the devastation must become dead, they do not exist, they aren’t alive.  Anything that has caused the pain has been blown away with the gust of violent winds from the storm.  What ever it takes to rebuild the relationship must become part of the equation.   This isn’t anything that happens quickly, situations didn’t happen overnight and they will not be restored over night either.  You must be strong, you must be willing to take your time and not rush the situation.  The main focus must be on your faith, faith to continue. 

The citizens of Joplin have been working nonstop to rebuild. The impact of the devastating storm still lingers around them.   Slowly but surely Joplin is being rebuilt, one life at a time.  They have partners in their re-growth.  The number one partner is God.  People are still hurting, but they will never give up.   These people continue to pray and be strong.  God is here through it all.  He enables everyone to be full of the spirit.  The storm is gone it is time to rebuild, forget the past and what goes with it.  God gives us the determination to press on. 

Dear Lord the storm has past now help us to rebuild.  You know how difficult this can be.  Give us the patience to wait on the sunshine everyday we are rebuilding.  Help us to remove things that aren’t positive in our lives, those things that hold us back.  Allow us to press on during this journey of 2012 rebuilding a better life than we had before.  You are our partner, helping us to have strength one step at a time.

Jeremiah 31:25 NIV
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.

Monday, April 23, 2012

God sends you genuine people

My word for April 24th is GENUINE

My word for April 24th is GENUINE

Robin Roberts is celebrating 10 years on Good Morning America. Robin began her career by moving from the correspondent desk to the anchor desk right beside Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer.  GMA put a tribute together for Robin.  It consisted of many interviews showing the tender side to Roberts.  Charlie Gibson said to Robin, “We have been with you through your beginning, through you losing your sweet father, dealing with a hurricane in your state, and of course your fight with breast cancer.  This is why people love you, because you are a real person. You give of yourself and share what you are dealing with.”  Robin stated that GMA taught her what family was.  They have been with her through it all.  The staff at GMA gave her a book and in this book they wrote, “You have taught us what it means to have faith, family, and friends”.

Being a genuine person is easy for some and difficult for others.  Usually others can sense when someone isn’t a genuine person.  People will sense when someone just has an agenda.  There are two things that are characteristic to those who are genuine.  One to be “real” and the other to be truly interested.  People may not want to be the real person in front of others.  They are worried about being accepted or what others will think of them.  People will like you better if you are real instead of fake.  When being real you don’t alter your behavior from one person to another.  Being honest is hard for some, but people can detect if you are lying.  Honesty creates a sense of sincerity or that of being genuine.  Have you ever been talking with someone and you can tell they aren’t truly interested?  They try to listen but you can tell they are looking right through you and don’t hear a word you are saying.  Listen to people; let them know you are hearing how they are and what they are telling you. They will know when you genuinely care about them. 

God wants us to be genuine, especially with Him.  He wants our relationships to be real.  God wants us to have genuine relationships with Him, with each other and with ourselves.  He wants us to show Him who we truly are so He can help us.  Gods job is to make us whole.  To make us whole He has to work continually with us, creating us whole from the inside out.  He doesn’t want to punish us He wants to help us.  What we all forget is that we have all sinned in some form or another, but that is what God is here for, to forgive us.  He is genuine; He is genuine in what He says.  God means it when He says, “He forgives us”. 

Dear Lord we want to be real and genuine.  Guide us to those who need us and allow them to see that we truly care.  Grant us wisdom and courage to have strength in all situations.  While we walk down the road of 2012 let our genuine spirit shine.

Philippians 2:4    Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others., FaithWriters, Christian Living, Being Genuine, Tracy Numes 10/06/10

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Everything is going to be okay!

My word for April 23rd is ESCAPE

My word for April 23rd is Escape

Tension filled the air, the person that played a part in ruining your family was breathing down the back of your neck.  There wasn’t anyplace to go, no escape.  There wasn’t a storm shelter to get you out of the turbulence that was circling around you.  If this situation had been an actual storm it would have been a tsunami.  Just the presence of the person, that you thought at one time was your friend, had turned into a violent wave that kept crashing into you every moment.  As the waves get higher and higher like lava of a volcano, the top bursts.  A few words come sailing out of you; only to your surprise this person has no humility, no remorse, no compassion.  For the next few minutes’ words of sharpness are dropped about you.  You question, how could this person that had manipulated everyone in your family and everyone in theirs decide that they are the victim?  You just need space, an escape.

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t get away?  You want to get away, but you have no place to go.  Maybe its not that you don’t have a place you just feel you can’t let everyone you take care of down.  You have to be there for them.  You must be strong.  The problem is this, for anyone to take care of others they must be healthy.  Jesus did this; he made sure that he was healthy.  He would go to his quiet place when he needed to.  We need to take time for purposeful solitude.  Abstaining from interaction with others so that we can be with God.  When Jesus went out into the desert wilderness for 40 days he went to fast and pray in solitude.  It was during this time of escape that the Father, the Scriptures, and ministering angels strengthened him.  It was during Jesus’ escape that He would listen to the Father.  He would receive answers for many things.  This was how he knew to pick his 12 Apostles and when to move from one place to the next. 

Find your escape, your quiet place.  It is by learning to be in solitude that we find out how to maintain a silent center, a stillness of soul that flows in God’s peace.  He settles us and leaves us with peace and a sense of well-being.  Look at your escape not just as a place to get away from this world we live in, but as a place to get closer to God.  Let Him be your escape, He will bring you peace. 

Dear Lord take us to a quiet place, give us an escape.  Draw me to this escape and make it a place of refuge with You.  Protect me from the enemy’s attacks.  We know the more time we spend with You the more peace we will have.  During this journey of 2012 assist us in spending more time in solitude with You.  This escape will enable us to walk with strength during this year. 

“Solitude is the creation of an open, empty space in our lives by purposely abstaining from interaction with other human beings, so that, freed from competing loyalties, we can be found by God” (Life with God Bible, p. 531).

“But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him” (Habakkuk 2:20).
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15).
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)., Soul Shepherding for you and your ministry, Silence and Solitude, Bill Gaultiere, copyright 2005

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My word for April 22nd is WAIT

My word for April 22nd is WAIT

As I sat in the alley waiting in the carwash line, I was noticing everything around me.  The car wash is in an older part of town so many of the houses are older.  A little old man was in his garage getting things out to feed the birds and a woman was walking down the alley to get a drink out of the coke machine.  While still in line the lady made it back around my car with her canned drinks and headed back home.  As I watched the lady walking away I noticed a lab.  The lab was in a dog run.  He was running in circles picking up his toy and then tossing it up.  He kept doing this over and over.  I wondered if this was the ladies dog.  Sure enough the women turned and went to the home.  What amazed me was when the women walked by the dog.  The dog was still running around in circles with its toy and the woman walked right by.  She didn’t speak to the dog; she didn’t even look at the dog.  The dog walk around his pin one more time and then lies down and put his head on his toy.  He had waited and waited and still nothing happened. 

Have you ever felt like this?  You are screaming inside for help or just for someone to notice?  But it seems everyone walks by absorbed in this busy world that we live in. So many children I taught were like this.  They would act out because they needed a little attention.  By the time anyone gives them attention it is too late the damage is done.  Just as the lab, some may feel they are locked in a pin and can’t get out.  They are trapped, not knowing where to turn, or how to change their circumstances.  They feel life is dull and pointless.  They are tired of everything being shoved under the rug, not acknowledging anything that is happening.  They are ready to just lie down and give up.  They are tired of waiting.  Just as if we are sitting in a waiting room where time stands still waiting on a miracle to happen. 

When feeling we are waiting on a miracle we need to remember there is only one person we should wait on.  That one person is the Lord.  It may seem the wait is long, but it is well worth it.  When we are in need, waiting on the Lord is a must.  He says cast all your burdens on Him.  We must wait with our weighty problems. One of the most difficult things about waiting on the Lord is learning to hold back the negatives.   All the negatives and positives are wound together like a rope.  When these things are wound together perfectly they give us strength, courage, patience, and endurance.  The situations we face in our lives are intertwined together and can be difficult.  It involves having obedience by faith and waiting on Him. 

Have patience and wait on the Lord and His timing, it will be the best wait of your life.

Dear Lord we know that you know the perfect timing for everything.  The waiting game can be long and difficult, but we must trust You.  Give us strength to hold back the negatives and push forward with the positives.  In this busy world that we live in give us the ability to sit back and wait.  Lead us to those who need us to help them with their waiting game.  During this journey of 2012 we will wait on you and have faith in what you have in store for us. 

Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.
Psalm 62:5-8 my soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. 6 He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken. 7 On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. 8 Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Everyone welcome here!

My word for April 21st is SHOES

My word for April 21st is SHOES

Vanessa Williams was crowned Miss America in 1983 at the age of 20.  She was the first woman of African American descent to ever gain the title.  Soon after winning she was relinquishing her title because nude photos were released of her in Penthouse.  Vanessa has continued on through adversity.  She has sold record albums, hit #1 on the R&B charts, been on Broadway, and sang in Disney’s featured film Pocahontas.  Williams has also had roles in movies and had roles in the TV series, Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewife’s.  Now Williams has written a book, “You Have No Idea”.  The star reveals shocking details about her past in her memoir.  She was molested at the age of 10.  She also got pregnant while in high school and chose to have an abortion.  When Williams was interviewed about her new release she stated, “You don’t know what people are going through until you walk in their shoes”. 

We never know what shoes people are walking in.  They may be too small squeezing their toes so hard they are in pain and blisters are forming with every step.  They may be too big.  They have to be careful with every step not to walk out of their shoes.  They tend to look funny and walk funny because of the shoes fitting awkwardly on their feet.  It could be that their shoes fit but they are rubbing on part of their feet causing them to be uncomfortable.  Before we judge others we must be cautious and not condemn.  We need to remember that we really know very little about what that person is dealing with.  There are reasons why people act as they do.  If we knew, it would be easier for us to understand, sympathize, forgive, be patient with them, or be harder on them.  To have mercy we must clearly understand someone’s words, attitudes, and conduct.   We must take the time to look inside another person.

I have always said people do things because of things in their past.  There are reasons for everything.  Vanessa Williams comes across as being a very confident woman.  She probably is now however, in her past she more than likely wasn’t.    Her mother says that Vanessa was always a risk taker, but when she poised nude she could tell in her eyes she felt uncomfortable.  Vanessa didn’t respond about the pictures however I do know this; don’t judge a book by the cover.  There are many things in the pages we may not know about. 

*Follow the golden rule; do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. 

Dear Lord help us to have empathy towards others.  We know that everyone goes down different paths for different reasons.  We understand that we won’t understand everything that happens, but help us to either move past it or feel more comfortable about a situation.  We know that everyone doesn’t wear the same size shoes.  Help us during this year of 2012 to be comfortable in our shoes.

Matthew 7:1 as proof that we should do no judging whatsoever: "Judge not, that you be not judged." Here, the Greek word for "judge" is krino, meaning to condemn, avenge, damn, sentence, or levy a punishment. Christ plainly says that if we condemn others, we will be condemned ourselves. Dangerous territory indeed!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Word for April 20th is INFLUENTIAL


The April 30, 2012 edition of TIME magazine featured “The 100 Most Influential People in the World”.  As I began to read and skim through I realized that I didn’t recognize many of these people.  Of course you had some that have been discussed in the news either for years or because of something they were involved in the past 6 months.  The list consisted of people such as, Hillary Clinton, Matt Romney, Adele, Rihanna, Warren Buffett, Tim Tebow, and Viola Davis.  I questioned what makes the 100 influential?  To the writers and reporters of Time magazine they are the people that are pioneers, moguls, leaders, and icons.  These people are making enduring impact around the globe.  They are leaders that are emerging in unlikely places.  These reporters look for the breadth and depth of people.  These are the people that are changing people’s perceptions of the world.  Richard Stengel, editor of Time says, “The Time 100 list is about the infinite possibilities of influence and the power of influence to change the world”. 

The ripple effect in countless fields is what the majority of these people have done.  They have caused change.  Money doesn’t equal influence but it doesn’t hurt and most of the 100 make a very large income.  There were some things stated about a few of the 100 that stood out to me.
·      Her faith in the Almighty has allowed her to have strength, stamina and amazing spirit
·      Even with fame she is real.  It isn’t all about her.  She gives part of herself to the ordinary person that she meets.
·      He wasn’t intimidated and he has healed. 
·      The blend of work ethic, skill, and grace will be a powerful force.
·      His presence is already massive.  It will only increase.
·      She showed bravery speaking the truth and having to face those who would tell her to stay quiet.  She stood up to what was right.
·      We are Americans and Americans don’t give up.
·      The smile mysteriously and keep their mouth shut.
·      She is an advocate.
·      He is sincere; he doesn’t speak with marbles in his mouth.
·      He has the ability to stand boldly against hostile trends and thereby alter them. 
·      He got rid of the waste that plagued our state. 
·      Life is much more than playing on the filed.  He has been blessed and seeks to help those who are worse off.  He is unashamed of his convictions and faith and he lives a life that consistently reaches out to people and communities in need. 

As I read through this bakers’ dozen statements that I listed above, I realized that these remind me of whom the most influential person in our lives is, the Lord.  He has strength, stamina, and an amazing spirit.  He is real and gives himself to the ordinary person.  He isn’t intimidated and he does heal.  He has great work ethic, which he works with skill and grace.  His presence is massive and only increases.  He is brave and always speaks the truth, while others lag behind.  He never gives up on us and He teaches us when our tongues need to stay silent.  He is an advocate for change if needed and is sincere and honest.   He is bold when up against the hostile.  He gets rid of the waste that harms us.  With him we are blessed.   He isn’t ashamed of who he is or what he believes in.  He is consistently reaching out to others and helping us who are in need.  God is the most influential person in the world.   Just as Warren Buffet stated, “Life isn’t just about the value you seek it is about the values you stand for”.  Go to Him and he will influence you to be the best that you can be.  Believe in him and his values and you too will be an advocate for change being an influence to others just as the 100 have been. 

Dear Lord guide us to others who need our spiritual influence.  We know that by living by your values and sharing with others gives You glory.   Help all of us who are ordinary to be extraordinary spreading Your goodness.  We can all be influential.  Assist us during this journey of 2012 to influence those around us to become closer to You.   

Matthew 5:13-16 When a Christian is teaching God's word to another person, then God is influencing them as well. Even as we live our lives in accordance to God's teaching, then our examples becomes an influence on others as well and gives God glory

Time,, The 100 Most Influential People in the World, April 30,2012, TIME Vol 179, NO. 17| 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let Go

Believe in yourself

Do they see Jesus in me Joy Williams

My word for April 19th is FACIAL

My word for April 19th is FACIAL

A very dear friend of mine is a massage therapist.  She not only gives massages she also gives facials.  She is fabulous.  She gives a five-course massage.  It is not just a massage or a facial that you receive from her; it is a journey through spiritual goodness.  She is blessed in so many ways and she uses her talents to share the Lords word.  She was recently asked to give a presentation at a girl’s youth retreat.  She traveled 5 hours to give her spill on massages and facials, however the routine facial had a twist. I know that I can’t give the analogy as well as she did, but this is my version. 

Our skin is the body’s largest organ.  It protects us from the invasion of foreign substances.  Our skin provides an honest mirror of our inner health and wellbeing.  The first step of God’s facial is the cleansing.  When we have a facial we are cleansed, we are cleaned on the outside to radiate a look of goodness.  Cleansing washes away the unclean.  What we as humans see is only the outside, however during this cleansing God is looking at the inside.  He is looking at us with a magnifying glass to reveal the real us.  Then comes His exfoliation.  The Lord uses anything he can to get the bad off and gone. These are the bad words that we sometimes use or the facial expressions that send off bad emotions.  If we are really in a rut he may send a major “chemical peel” to get rid of the waste that is holding us back.  Next is the extraction.  This can be very difficult.  During the extraction the Lord works his wonders to pull us out of the pit.  In this pit we are associated with people, places, and things that only keep us down and do not lift us up.  We want a facelift.  We want to be lifted up by who and what we are associated with.  The dirt and filth need to be extracted from us for us to live a pure life with and for the Lord.  The mask works within our core.  It reaches deep into us to pull out those pollutants and impurities that live deep within us.   This is the over thinking that causes fear and leaves us imprisoned.   The experiences from the past that harbor us from moving on with our lives have diminished.    He pulls all of these out and rids our bodies of such destruction.  Toner is placed on the skin after the mask.  This soothes us and gets us back in balance.  To have results from the toner we must know how to go to the Lord everyday to keep us in proper balance with Him.  The last step is hydrating and moisturizing.  When we live and walk with the Lord everyday we are nourished and left smooth.  He restores us by replenishing us.  If you are lucky after your facial you will receive a massage that will leave you relaxed with no worries.  The feeling of peace and tranquility are all around you.  We are now completely clean through the power of the Lord.  We are renewed. 

Facials can be expensive, however God’s facial is free.  It is a deep cleaning that improves our mind, body, and soul.  It removes the impurities that affect our overall appearance and health.   God’s facials prevent other problems from arising.  
God’s facial is a renewal of you.  After your facial you should be able to look in the mirror and see a reflection of Jesus. 

Dear Lord cleanse us with Your facial.  Remove all the impurities that live deep within us.  Allow us to live in peace and protect us from the filth in this world.   We want to be a reflection of You walking with You everyday of 2012. 

Ezekiel 36:25 – 27“ I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws”

Psalm 51:10 Our hearts become hard when we allow sin to build a wall around it, but confession is our invitation to God to purify us. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”

Psalm 51:2 O God, we pray with David, “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin”, Christian women today, Cleansing from God, Suzanne Benner