Friday, August 21, 2015


The butterfly garden has plenty of flowers, however I haven’t seen any butterflies until yesterday.  There was one huge Monarch flying around.  I got so excited and ran to get my camera.  When I got back it had landed on my Lantana.  What a gorgeous picture it was going to be, the orange and black of the monarch on top of the vibrant pink and yellow.  Just when I started to snap a picture off it flew.  I stood there for a while thinking to myself, “just be still.”  Of course I couldn’t’ stand it and started to walk over to the other flowers.   When I did the butterfly flew back to the Lantana.  If I had only been still.

Do you stop and be still?  We say we do but do we really?  What does it really mean to be still?

I found these two words to be very interesting while researching them.  This one small verse is part of the larger scripture that reminds us of the power and security we should have with the Lord.  When God spoke and said, “Be Still,”  he didn’t actually mean restrict mobility.  He meant for His people to realize that He has given unfailing promises to them.    God wanted them to understand that He is here and He does the work.  It is He who can move the mountains. 

The words “Be Still” are to draw us back into our relationship with Christ.  Don’t go running down the road where the Lord isn’t present, but find the path where He is and be still on it.  Be filled with trust in God.  Have the understanding that it is only He that we can have faith.

 When we are still and surrender to Him  we find peace while our lives are busy and overwhelming. Just be still in His word and have trust in Him. 

When the world demands you to be busy obey God and be still!

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Passionate and influential are two words that described this year’s teacher of the year.  I was over joyed as the cheerleaders name was called over the microphone.  I watched her for years as her infectious spirit would bring students into the learning.  She wasn’t afraid of anything.  Anything I suggested she would do at the drop of a hat.  It didn’t matter if a fellow teacher thought the assignment was crazy.  She would stand on her head to help the students.  She truly cared. 

As she was presented the award she told the young teachers present in the room to use the gifts God has given you.  She told them when she was hired she was hired as the cheerleader coach and when the principal told her she was going to teach she said, “I am not a teacher, I can’t do that!”  Fear had taken over her body, but what did she do?  She jumped right in to the position that God had placed in front of her and did it for His glory. 

God had led her to become a cheerleader coach, but gave her much more.  She became a cheerleader for the students.  He knew what she could do and He put her in the position to do it.  When put in this situation most people would run, but no she embraced the job and did it.  She is not only cheerleader coach, but she is the cheerleader teacher and the cheerleader for Jesus.  She gives Him full credit for leading her to the job and the students that she is passionate about. 

Don’t run from the job He leads you to.  You may think there is no way you can fulfill your purpose in the position, but He knows you can.  He will uncover the strength and talents that you didn’t even know you had.  In due time you will realize that by following Him you will be led to the most rewarding days of your life. 

Be a cheerleader for Jesus, dedicating your life to Him and He will show you the way to use what gifts He has given you. He will uncover what you don’t even realize you possess. 

 Follow His lead and your passion will continue to grow. 

Congrats Meghan! Proud of you!

1 PETER 4:10

Friday, August 14, 2015


I forget how many definitions some words have.  As I began to write this morning I looked up the word share in the dictionary.  There are several things associated with this word.  You can have a share of stock, you can divide a portion, you can share a responsibility or you can talk about something with others. 

I began investigating this word because of something that the preacher discussed the other day at the funeral I attended.  He was saying that Cindy was in heaven seeing all the people that had gone before her.  She was also meeting people she didn’t know, but she through others had brought to Jesus. 

He explained by saying that Cindy knew Jesus and she shared Jesus.  She talked about Him to many people.  Since she loved the Lord and spoke of Him often others would take what they learned from her and go share with someone.  That someone would go share with someone and so on and so on.  She had shared Jesus with many people.  People she knew and people she didn’t know. 

Do you share Jesus?  Do you lead others to Him?  Do you tell your story of His saving grace to allow others to see His work?

If you are apprehensive about sharing don’t be.  If you receive the NUDGE (never underestimate decisions God encourages) to do something or speak something go for it.  It is the Holy Spirit working in you to share what you know to be the truth. 

Don’t be scared just share!  Pass on Jesus to help others Press on!

2 Timothy 1:8New International Version (NIV)

So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Yesterday I attended my niece’s mother in laws funeral. She had been diagnosed with a brain tumor several years ago, so she knew her life would be cut short.  During the years of the wicked tumor growing in her brain, she went to work  planning her funeral.  She planned every piece of it.  From the songs, to the scripture, she even had assigned seats for her immediate family and extended family.  Such a blessing that no one had to worry about the details. 

As I listened there were several parts that spoke to me.  When the preacher talked about the assigned seats my mind began to think deeper. 

When we are born we enter this world with a general admission seat.  This is in the open seating section, however over time God gives us all our assigned seats.  He knows from the beginning where our seats will be. During our course of life our seats may change.  We may move up a row, back a row or switch to the completely other side, however wherever the Lord wants us to sit he will get us there.  We may stray, but He never takes His eyes off of us.  He will never stop leading us back to our assigned seat. 

You can read all through the Bible and see where many  ventured out of their assigned seats and tried to sit in another.  When we venture out of our assigned seat He shakes His head as if to say, “You shouldn’t have done that.”   He knows what is good for us and what is bad.    At times we let others assign our seats and we draw away from the Lord, but that doesn’t stop Him.  He  will work diligently and intentional to get us back in and on His seating chart. 

Through the years of life our seats may change and look different, but in the end our seats look the same.  When we surrender our lives to the Lord our assigned seat will be reserved for us.  Our assigned seat will be located within the gates of heaven exactly where the Lord wants us to be.   

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Tears and chill bumps are what appeared in my eyes and on my body as I looked down at my phone. 

I was attending one of the concluding sessions of the day at the “She Speaks Conference.”  Enjoying the music I got lost in my mind thinking back to one of my children.  No not one of my biological children, but one of my student children. 

He needed love, he needed motivation, and he needed a momma.  That is what I gave him.  At first he was difficult to enjoy.  Nothing but negative rolled off his tongue, but I saw past that.  I saw the innocence of a child a child that had no one.  From that point on I praised him and encouraged him and he became part of the team.  Even though he only played two downs his high school career of football it didn’t change the ownership he felt to that of the state championship trophy. 

Going to college seemed out of reach, however he is there and he is succeeding.  He works hard, studies and is part of a band.  He found his niche and he loves it.  He has a place that warms his heart and fills the emptiness in his soul. 

When I think back to the night at the conference my eyes still fill with tears and my body still becomes taken over by chill bumps as I replay the moment of looking at my phone. 

At that precise moment the Lord gave me my title for life.  A title that I knew already, but at times I would try to slip away from.  Escaping from your meaning in life is difficult.  No not difficult, impossible! 

When he sends me a text it always begins and ends with the same words, “Hey Momma” “Love you!”  The best four words in the world that will always bring tears to my eyes and chill bumps to my body. 

What is your title?  What is the inscription that the Lord has given you that you are trying to run from?  What brings you joy, but yet can also bring sorrow?  What brings tears to your eyes and chill bumps to your body? 

Quit trying to finish the caption, I am ___________, yourself and let the Lord. 
It is when we follow the plan that He has given us that we will have complete peace in our hearts. 

Proverbs 3:5-6New International Version (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]

Found this great article for extending reading: