Saturday, May 30, 2015


When you are twenty-one days behind planting your crops you work from 4:30am to 10:pm.  If I want to see my husband the farm is where I have to go.  Last night at 9:00pm I went out to ride in the tractor while he pulled drains.  Off we went through a field that had been ripped, scratched and bedded.  The only thing this field lacked was the proper ditching so that the water would drain properly.  Traveling over the bedding was like a rough set of moguls while you are skiing.  The ride was bouncy and choppy.  When we would get over the beds to the turn rows the ride was smooth.  I couldn’t wait to get past the rough rows and to the easy riding. 

Our lives are like that of a bean field.  We can be ripped apart and the surface of our feelings scratched with anxiety.  We ride along with rough patches that are waiting for the circumstances that bring hardships to drain out of our lives.  We finally come to the turn rows where our situations turn around and become smooth again. 

To make our life rides smoother our Lord is with us to give us peace.  It is not up to us to figure out how to smooth the soil we must leave it up to Him.  He will pull the plug draining our lives of the hardships that have filled our lives with roughness. 

2 Peter 1:4 God has given us great and precious promises so that through these promises we can escape the corruption that the world causes.  It is when and only when we turn over our fields of rough patches to Him that He will drain them of the unnecessary dirty water and cleanse us with His peace. 

Friday, May 29, 2015


The grass at the farm was out of control due to all the rains, so it was time to mow.  Anna and I both got to do the job.  Back and forth, around and around we went cutting the tall blades of grass.  Anna does the wide-open spaces and I come back and tidy up around all the edges.  I was on my last pass when I came to a complete stop.  My tires began to spin digging deeper into the mud.  Yep stuck!  We tried to push it, pull it but nothing.  I knew I shouldn’t have gotten that close to the ditch, but I was determined to manicure the very edge.  Anna said to me, “That is why I don’t go there.”

The most important piece of equipment is the one who is operating it.  Yes I was operating the mower and yes I got stuck.  I made the decision to go too close to the edge.  I should have known not to go there, but I had to chop down those blades of grass. 

Who is operating your piece of equipment?  Is it you? 

If you are operating your piece of machinery it is time for you to hand it over to the Lord.  When we are spinning our wheels it is difficult to let go and let someone else do the work, however it is during those times that we must rely on Him.  We must trust Him enough to know that He will have the best solution for your tires to take hold of the earth and get back going again.  Communicate with Him and let Him know what help you need to grab hold of life. 

Pushing on the gas doesn’t get you anywhere when you are stuck and your tires are spinning.  It is the Lord that will get you back going again.  Let Him operate your piece of machinery and your tires will grip the earth and keep you moving. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015


It is the time of year for graduation speeches.  Most are filled with intellectual knowledge, quotes and thanks to those who have taught them.  This year at our high school it was a little different.  Two of the speeches were about making a change and being a difference.  The other two were about obstacles that have been overcome.  All four were such a different approach to the typical graduation speeches, however they were four of my favorites. 

One of the speeches had this sentence; “Circumstances may at times not look very promising, however it is through the pain and disappointment that we endure that equip us for success.”  What a powerful statement made by an 18 year old.

God equips us, yes He does.  It is through the pain and suffering that we become stronger.  It is through the trials and disappointments that we learn lessons.  At times circumstances may not look promising, but with Him there is always the promise of hope.  Don’t give up, you are limitless with God. 

The graduates last sentence and charge to her fellow classmates was this, “Never allow your situation to put limitations on your destination.”  No matter what your situation God will carry you through to the destination of His purpose for you. 

Thanks to the graduates for your inspiring words of wisdom!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


 Years ago one of my friends was a home health nurse.   While at bible study we were talking about acts of kindness that we can do for others and the blessings that come from them.  She told us there was an elderly gentleman that she had to go see.  One day when she was getting ready to leave she noticed his fingernails and toenails.  They needed to be trimmed.  His wife use to take care of that for him, but she had died so he was left to take care of a manicure himself.  My friend felt odd asking, but she asked if she could trim his nails.  From that day on every time she went to visit she would do his nails. 

So often the blessing we give to others ends up being a blessing to us.  My friend was doing a service for this elderly man, however she got a blessing in return. 

There are many different types of blessings.  Blessings may come in the form of something large or something small.  Blessings may come when we least expect it.  What is a blessing to you may not be a blessing to someone else.  Blessings bring upon us moments of joy.

Luke 6:38 MSG Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus

And blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.”

We may not follow that little voice telling us to help someone because we are embarrassed or feel we should mind our own business, however if you get nudged in the direction to do something for someone go ahead and do it.  It is when we don’t take the opportunity to help that we also miss out on the blessing.   Listen to the NUDGE (never underestimate decisions God encourages) and you will be blessed beyond measure. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


My internal alarm clock went off in the middle of the night.  I sat up to look and see what time it was, of course.  I didn’t really even have to check the time I knew what time it would be.  It would be when my daughter gets off work at the emergency room and has to drive 40 minutes to her home.  I always pray what my friend told me to pray, but I still get anxious thinking about her on the highway.  So what do I do, I call.  We talk while she drives on the highway alone.  I’m relieved when I get her text that she is home and inside.

The Lord is like a parent.  His alarm goes off when we are in need.  He calls when we need Him.  He wraps his arms around us as we venture into the world alone. He worries when we go off the beaten path and He will work wonders to merge us back on the highway with Him.  He is relieved when we arrive to our destination. 

When we are in doubt that the Lord will take care of us go to the Bible.  The word of God is powerful.  In 2 Timothy 3:16 Paul writes, “All scripture is God breathed.”  When we feel alone or anxious go to Him with your concern and stand on the promises of God.  The promises He has given us are built on a firm foundation of the rock of Christ.  You will not sink but stand in and on His word forever. 

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  Our parent, the Lord, has plans for us.  When worried, anxious or full of doubt go to Him.  He is every present for you with His plans for your life. 

Do not worry or be anxious call upon the Lord and he will answer.   Matthew 11:28-29; Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.