Thursday, February 6, 2014




I took the lighter and lit the wick.  When the candle was ignited it made the sound of a burning fire.  The flame, though small, made a large glow that brought light to the room.  The vanilla fragrance was pleasing to the air.  This small light gives off a brilliance that will never be forgotten. 

Much like a candle will change the atmosphere of a room, the word of God changes your soul.  With one spark His words will ignite your life, guiding you to shine.  Your words become those that bring goodness and peace to others.  Even if your flame is small you make a large presence wherever you go.  His light shines through you, giving off an intense brightness that will never be forgotten by others. 

Study His word; let His words become your words.  When you do you will give off an intense brightness that shines for Him.  You will ignite others and guide them to live by His words and pass on to those around them.  Pass On to Press On!

Leviticus 6:13  A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out
(God’s fire is present in each believer’s life today.  He lights the fire when the Holy Spirit comes to live in us, and he tends it so that we will grow in grace as we walk with him.  When we are aware that God lives in us, we have confidence to come to him for forgiveness and restoration.  We can carry out our work with strength and enthusiasm. ) Explanation Life Application Study Bible NIV, Zondervan 1984

Tuesday, February 4, 2014



From where I sat I had the best view. No one else was privy to it besides me.   It was a view that showed various emotions on all faces.  My view sparkled with excitement, but also brought tears to my eyes.  The joy was evident among all of those present.  The many faces of those in the congregation were priceless to observe as the two were joined as husband and wife.   It was one of the sweetest ceremonies I have ever been a part of.   When I sing at a wedding I feel privileged to have the best view in the house. 

God also has the best view in the house.  He is the one that is privy to the first glimpse of everything that happens.  He see’s ever piece of excitement, hardship, and joy that comes into our lives.  He smiles when we smile, He cry’s when we cry, He laughs when we laugh, He see’s it all first hand.  Sometimes He isn’t happy with the view, but at other times he’s overjoyed. He wants to see a view where we are following His plan. One way to fine tune God’s view is to open the window and let Him in.  When the Holy Spirit is living in your heart the Lord will love the view.  Make sure that the view He is seeing is one that He would want to see.  He wants to see the amazing view of you.