Sunday, March 24, 2013


March 25th REAL

Are you for real?

“Are you for real” use to be one of my favorite sayings.  This quote would come flying out of my mouth all the time.  It is on the same lines as, “Are you kidding me?”  So when this saying is said what exactly does it mean?  To be real something cannot be artificial or fraudulent.  Being real is fixed or permanent.  When something is real it exists in a physical entity and has certain properties that make it alive and breathing.  Many things can be real: a real professional, real gold, real celebrity, real analysis, real variable, real income, real person, and real fiasco.  When something is real it is serious and genuine, it is the real deal. 

This week our bible study group is on chapter five of “He Speaks to Me” by Priscilla Shirer.  It is entitled “The Real Deal.”  This chapter discusses Moses, which goes along with the movie series “The Bible”, and his reactions on what God was asking him to do.  After reading this chapter I want to say to Moses, “What are you thinking?  God already enabled you to turn water to blood, turn the staff into a serpent and restore flesh.  Do what He is asking you to do.  Do not question Him.”

God is the “REAL DEAL” no question about it.  Have faith, believe, and listen to Him. He will tell you if you listen carefully, “I am God.” 

Exodus 3:14
New International Version (NIV)
14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

Dear God we know you are for real.  We ask You to forgive us when we question what we are to do when You have been telling us over and over again.  Have mercy on us as we are Your children.  Give us strength, courage and endurance to carry out the earthly jobs You want us to do for You.  Help us keep our eyes on You the real deal.  

He Speaks to Me, Priscilla Shirer, 2006, Moody Publishers

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Round 1 Dance!


Haven't been posting here lately, but at it again!  You can read all previous posts on Facebook at "Pass On to Press On."

March 23rd ROUND

March 23rd  ROUND

Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.  J.R.R. Tolkien

There are different things in life that have rounds.  Wrestling matches have rounds with specific rules for the different types of wrestling.  Boxing also has rounds; amateur bouts usually have four with the number gradually increasing after a fighter turns pro.  Doctors have rounds, not in a ring, but walking up, down and around hallways checking on patients.  A gun also has a round of ammunition.  You can also have a round of golf or a round of baseball.  If you are part of any competition you may be able to be talented enough to make it to the next round.  To make it to the next round you must be strong, motivated and dedicated.  You can’t give up, you can’t get discouraged, and you must press on towards the winning goal. 

My BFF Sherri just completed her first round of chemo Saturday.  Such a relief to hear the beeping sound and the word "complete" scroll across the machine.  A round of chemo is the same as any sports round.  Just as boxing is ranked the most difficult sport in the world, cancer can be the most difficult disease to cure.  It depends on the stage and type of cancer as to how many rounds you must tackle.  The more rounds the fighter receives will enable them to become a pro knowing what to expect, what to do, and how to handle it.  The truth is during the rounds of chemo the patients have rounds of ammunition standing beside them.  They have the armor of the Lord holding their hand helping them to cope with the specific characteristics of the poison that is dripping into their veins.  Through faith they have the strength to go to the ring boxing any cancer that wants to put up a fight.  In the end the bell will ring, the arm is lifted and the cancer cells are pinned to the mat.  Another winner in the ring is announced. 

Prayer warriors gather in the ring and pray for all of those fighting cancer, fighting the dreaded disease one round at a time. 

Jeremiah 17:14
New International Version (NIV)
14 Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;
    save me and I will be saved,
    for you are the one I praise.

Dear Lord we pray for those tonight that are in the rings fighting cancer.  Give them strength and endurance to handle the drug that will rid their bodies of the damaging disease.   Please be with them during their battle and use Your healing power to cure them.  Remind them that they are never alone You are always with them.