Friday, August 17, 2012


My word for August 18th is CONSCIENCE

Do you have a conscience?  Do you know people who don’t have a conscience?  When we have a conscience we know when we have done something wrong.  We worry about it and we are upset about it.  People who have no conscience feel differently, actually they don’t feel at all.  They have no guilt or remorse.  Many people think that a conscience is “the little voice” that makes us feel with extraordinary conviction that an action may be wrong.  The little voice keeps on and on.  I can’t imagine what it is like to not have a conscience.  I can’t believe some people act the way they do, however when I think about it ~ they don’t think about it.  They don’t’ think they have done anything wrong.  That little voice only tells them what they want to hear and that nothing is their fault.  They feel they do not wrong.   All I can say is “Gosh Luv Them.”

Conscience, by nature is a spiritual instinct, which differentiates between good and evil.  Conscience also has to do with our hearts. In Matthew 6:22 Jesus compared conscience to the “eyes” by which a person can evaluate a moral condition.  He also, in Matthew 5:25, compares conscience to that of a rival.  The rival is something a person must come to terms with before he presents himself at God’s Judgment.  The main attribute of conscience is to oppose our evil desires and intentions. 

We hope that in our relationships with people we can trust that they have a conscience.  However, it is impossible during our lifetime to avoid those who have no conscience. There are those who are able to twist and manipulate even the clearest of situations.  We can only hope that they have a little bit of conscience so they may do what is morally good and just.   We would hope that our friends would say, “how would the they feel if?” 

So that good old saying, “What would Jesus do?”  Matthew 7:12 “Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.”

Conscience is a soft whisper of the God in man (Edward Young).

Dear Lord help us to understand that some people don’t realize the hurt they have caused others.  Please help them to stand back and look into the situation and ask the question, “How do they feel?”  We know that it is difficult for some to have empathy for others, however we pray that you will awaken their hearts to be more caring.


My word for August 17th is HELPLESS

Dr. Henkel told Anna that you can very seldom save baby bunnies from the wild.  She knew from the beginning that they probably wouldn’t make it.  Baby bunny number 1 “Princella” didn’t last very long, but Bruno has hung in there for three weeks now.  He was the funniest little thing.  I would give him squash and he would jerk it out of my hand and run away and eat it.  This morning I woke up to do my usually routine, which now included visiting with Bruno, only to find him lifeless in his cage.  I began to talk to him and he raised his head and twitched his ears.  So now Anna and I sit here watching baby bunny finish this life.  We are helpless.  Anna is holding him, rubbing him, hoping to put life back into his little body, but it isn’t working.  Like Anna said, “the outside of his body has just quit, and the inside is trying to.”  At this very moment we just watched Bruno take his last breath of life.

There are over one hundred animals in the pages of the Bible.  We can assume that God loved animals, but then again God loves everything.  God cares for everything, we should care for everything just as God does.  For everything there is a beginning and an end, life and death.  Just like the death of a human, an animal is very similar. It’s body gradually shuts down and it takes its last breath.  No where can there be found whether an animal makes its final journey to that of heaven.  However in one article I read, a woman’s favorite dog had died.  She was very worried whether or not her dog would meet her in heaven.  The author stated we don’t actually know, however if it makes us feel better to think that our pets will be there waiting for us, we should think that.  

I will continue to think that when we arrive in heaven it is a wonderful garden full of animals running around in a colorful array of plants.  When I think of this place of wonder I think of peace.   One day in the future we will see baby bunny Bruno again.

Job 12:7-10 
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or ask the birds of the air, and they will tell you. Speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea tell you. Every one of these knows that the hand of the Lord has done this. The life of every creature and the breath of all people are in God’s hand.” (NCV)

Dear Lord thank you for giving us special animals.  Many animals bring us comfort and joy.  We know with everything death will come, maybe not when we want it to, but it is your timing not ours.  We will continue to care for all things bright and beautiful that You created for this earth.  Thank You for allowing such  small little animals to bring us joy.  

Thursday, August 16, 2012


My word for August 16th is MASTERPIECE

I have a friend on face book that is a fabulous artist.  Everything she touches becomes a masterpiece.  I envy the way her paintings are so whimsical and her finishing touches are placed delicately on the canvas.  Everything is perfect, every stroke and every color.    I have tried to be an artist like she is, but I have a lot to be desired.  God gave her the ability to be a genius at creating masterpieces on the canvas.  

Some pieces of art are the originals and some are reproductions.  No matter whether the original or the copied version both are worth something.  It is good to know that we are originals.  There isn’t anyone that is a replica of us.  No two people have the same fingerprint or the same DNA.   We are all unique masterpieces of God.  We were made in His image.  At times we may not feel that we are worth as much as the original work of art, but we are.  We are all special in God’s eyes.  He is an artist that designed everyone as His special works of art.   He handpicked every feature that we have from our head to our toes.  He has special purposes for all of His original works of art. .  He wants us to do the good things that he has planned for us.  That is what he created us for. 

Many masterpieces are sold for a very large price, but to the Lord we are priceless. 

Psalm 139:14    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful, 
    I know that full well.

Dear God thank you for making us all masterpieces.  We understand that you made each of us unique and for a purpose.  Help us to fulfill the expectations that You have for us.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


My word for August 15th is AMAZEMENT

Two of my little friends brought me a surprise yesterday.  It was chocolate dipped marshmallows on a stick in a painted purple mason jar.  So cute and yummy.  Since we ate all the marshmallows I am now using the jar as a vase.  I journeyed into my butterfly garden this morning and cut fresh flowers.  As I cut the stems, a beautiful butterfly was sucking nectar from the centers.  The butterfly stayed on the flowers and kept sipping even though I had cut the stem.  I watched in amazement, as this butterfly was literally two inches from my face getting a meal.  The butterfly took its small little straw pipe and kept sticking it in and out consuming the liquid.  It was amazing.  It’s so intriguing to think how the lord made everything so unique.  Some people would say that I was weird, but that is ok I’m ok with my own little world of being amazed with God’s wonders.  

What an amazement God made with the butterfly.  What began as an unattractive caterpillar that crawls around all day eating leaves has turned into a fabulous work of God.  The ugly duckling has changed into a piece of beauty.  The butterfly is still the caterpillar.  When you look closely at a butterfly the body is still the caterpillar, but God placed it in the chrysalis and added the fabulous wings.  The butterfly is a work in progress, just as we are something in the making.  We begin just as the caterpillar and the Lord works on us day in and day out.  Some of us take more time than others.  Don’t be harsh on yourself or others you may still be a work in progress.

We should all take a lesson from the beautiful butterfly.  Just as we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t judge a caterpillar by its looks.  Look at what emerges after God’s work is finished. 

2 Corinthians 5:17
New International Version (NIV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!

Dear Lord thank you for your beautiful gifts on this earth.  We are so thankful that You can take something and change it into something so amazing.  As You work on us, lead us to follow You and Your word.  Please have patience with us as we begin to transform into something wonderful. 

 Found this while writing about the butterfly, great site: they also have a facebook page, Positive Butterflies

Sunday, August 12, 2012


My word for August 13th is LIPSTICK

A group of us were at a wedding last night when we began to discuss the good ole days when the girls were little.  They were all on dance team.  Their dance teacher was among the crowd so together we all began to reminisce about the dance days.  We laughed and laughed about so many things, but the biggest laugh was about the lipstick, hair and makeup.  It was back in the day when their hair was big, their eyelashes were glued on and their lips were red.  I mean red, red, red.  I had found one color at Wal-Mart that the dance teacher loved, so everyone had to wear that red.  One tube of lipstick for 15 lips, probably not very sanitary.  Their dance teacher was very careful on how she corrected the girls.  If they didn’t have enough lipstick she would say, “Honey you look great, but you need a little bit more lipstick.”  She kept her cool, speaking calm and having patience during many stressful competitions. 

I bet the Lord looks at us at times, with patience of course, and says, “Honey you are great, but you would be better if you would followed my words more closely.”  I’m sure God, just like the girls dance teacher, would rather look at us and say, “what are you thinking?”  But being the patient, kind, and gentle soul that God is He steps back and hopes that we change.  He hopes that we open our eyes to Him.  He hopes that we do what His word tells us to do.  God has a strong and confident expectation for us.  He expects us to realize what we need a little bit more of to make us strong in faith. 

The Lord is not telling us we need more lipstick, but He does lead us down a path in hopes that we find what we need.  He knows what is best for us and He knows what will give us peace.  So today wait patiently and realize we all need a little bit more love, a little bit more hope, a little bit more faith, and a little bit more peace.  And maybe even a little bit more lipstick!!!!

Romans 8:24-25
New International Version (NIV)
24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Dear Lord we know we don’t have enough of what we need.  We must step back and take in what is around us reevaluate and readjust our lives.  We pray that You will help us gain a little bit more of whatever will bring us closer to You.  Assist us in gaining the strength we need by following You and Your word.  When our lipstick begins to fade and wear off, lead us back to You and give us peace. 

Friday, August 10, 2012


My word for August 11th is FEED

My favorite face book page “Karma Without Harm” has shut down, but to my relief they have become “God Will test you just before Your breakthrough’s.”  I am so glad.  They have kept me going when I didn’t think I could go forward.  Every time I click there is a quote, scripture, or saying that makes sense and helps me to press on.  Today as I was going through their pictures I found one I love.  It was a story about an old Cherokee.  It went like this:
An old cherokee told his grandson, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.  One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.  The other is good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.”  The boy thoguht about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” the old man quietly replied, “the one you feed.”  Author unknown
Which one are you feeding?  Are you feeding joy and peace or evil?  What does God want us to do?

We all know the correct answer.  God wants us to feed Him which brings us joy and peace.  When we are feeding the other we are giving strength to the devil.  None of us want to feed the evil in us, but isn’t it difficult at times?  So how do we conquer feeding the devil?  The only way I find is to pray and pray continuously.  Find strength in the word.  This is the best medicine we have to rid the poisen that the devil feeds us.  If we aren’t careful the devil will slip in the backdoor without us realizing it.  He will sneak up on you and bring you down in the pit with him. The devil will keep on and on, espiecially when you are spiritully alive, but don’t quit.  Don’t feed the bad, only feed the good.

 While researaching I found a great article.  In this article there is quote that is so true;  “You CAN”T keep the birds from flying over your head, but you CAN keep them from building a nest.”  Don’t let Satan make a home in your head, don’t feed him, kick him out and press on.

James 4:7(NIV)
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Dear Lord we come to You to worship and praise.  Help us to put on our armor to resist the devil and not feed him.  Keep our minds full of peace and away from mental warfare.  Lead us to Your word everyday finding strength to overcome any situation that is in our path.  During 2012 guide us to a joyous place where we live in harmony all the days of the year.    

Great read: Deep Truths, How to Fight the Devil, David Berg



My words for August 10th is “NO MATTER WHAT”

Where are you in your life?  Are you stuck in a rut?  Do you know what you want but don’t know how to get there?  Or are you right where you want to be?  You may need to be transformed or you may not.  You may be right with the Lord or there may be something you need to work on.  It may be a time in your life for a big change or maybe you were thrown into a change and didn’t see it coming.  No matter what your situation, no matter what you are going through, no matter how you feel the Lord is here for you. 

It is easy for us to understand that the Lord is with us during the good times, but many times we question the bad situations and his presence.  We should remember the end of the first chapter of the Book of Job where after being told of the great loss of his sons and daughters, Job was able to say, “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”  On the flipside, Kerrie Roberts says this best in her song, “No Matter What”.  No matter what we are going through we should still love the Lord.   He loves us no matter what and is there for us no matter what.  We should reciprocate.  No matter what we should love Him and trust in Him. 

Whether you need a life plan or a mind shift from limiting beliefs that have held you back.  Push past what has stopped you and maintain a peace of mind.  Don’t be overwhelmed by your life be overwhelmed by God’s spirit and overcome whatever is in your path. Just remember “NO MATTER WHAT” He is here. 

Job 1:21 (KJV)
21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Dear Lord thank You for being here, no matter what.  When we are in situations that make us question remind us of Your presence.  We know that Your grace and glory are with us and that we are blessed.  Help us to push through the times that cause us grief and seek You for understanding.  During 2012 make seeking You our primary focus of peace.

Sunday, August 5, 2012



All of us have anniversaries.  The first thing you think of when you mention anniversary is a marriage.  The true meaning of anniversary is a day that commemorates or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year of the initial event.  Some anniversaries we love to celebrate, that of marriage, birth and happy experiences.  Yet some aren’t that joyful.  It may be of a death or of a breakup.  One thing is certain, no matter what the situation we usually always remember the date of an anniversary, or at least women do. 

As I was reading our church bulletin yesterday the words on the cover read, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Jesus was real, He wasn’t fake He was what He was, and He was the same everyday.    This sparked a mental note with me as I read it.  Today is our 24th wedding anniversary.  Gosh 24 years of experiences and situations.  We have had good and bad.  Things haven’t been the same from day one until now, however there are a few things that are the same.  We are still each other’s best friend, we love each other, and there isn’t anyone else we want to grow old with.  Some would say, knowing what all we have been through, how could you feel that way?  I would reply,  “just as Jesus something’s are always the same no matter what the circumstance.” 

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Dear Lord thank You for blessing us with years to celebrate anniversaries.  Many don’t get the opportunity to celebrate twenty-four years of experiences together.  We ask for Your help to always speak words that are both kind and loving and that are hearts are always ready to ask for forgiveness.  We appreciate You being the same everyday and for Your unchanging love for us.  During 2012 guide us to be more Christ like with our hearts staying close to You and unchanging.   

Friday, August 3, 2012


My word for August 3rd is LIFE

Life can be very complicated.  Our days can be filled with blessings or disappointments.   Many of our habits and routines dictate the results we have in life.  One thing we all know is that our life is limited.  We won’t live forever.  We don’t have the choice whether we live until we are old and gray or whether we are taken at an early age.  I was reminded of this yesterday as those of us who grew up in our small town lost a friend.  Then as I began to write I noticed the date August 3.   I think back to a year ago today when my great nephew died of SIDS at a mere 2 months old.  These were two lives taken away too soon.  Both of these deaths remind us that we are only giving the present day we aren’t promised tomorrow. 

When we were born God had a plan for us, not our plan, but His plan. This is a plan that will finish its course no matter whether we like it or not.   All God ever promises us is the present.  Because of that we should live for today.  Living our lives as a Christian we must understand that today is a new day yesterday is gone and we may not have tomorrow.  Begin each day with Psalm 118:24 “this is the day that the lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it!” Pray for your present day to be full of joy and that it is better than yesterday.  Pray for the hope of tomorrow, but if by God’s will tomorrow doesn’t come, pray that you will join Him in heaven.

God wants you to do something good with your life everyday.  Don’t put off enjoying what the Lord has given you ~the gift of today.  Don’t put off being happy or making others happy. You never know when it will be too late to let someone know you care.   

Dear Lord we realize that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is a new day.  We pray for those families who don’t have the gift of tomorrow with their loved one.  We know that even though the goodbyes were permanent we will see whom we love again in heaven.   During 2012 remind us to live for the day.

***I say a special prayer today for Jackie and Hunter and for Stacey Finks family. Please pass on prayers for those who have heavy hearts today. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


My word for August 2nd is GOLD

I love watching the Olympics.  You can see the determination on all of the athlete’s faces as they compete in their chosen sport.  Last night there were several gold medals given to US Olympians. Michael Phelps broke the record for the most career Olympic medals with a U.S. gold in the men’s 200-meter relay.   Women’s swimming and women’s gymnastics also won gold.    I personally love the gymnastics. 

The group of five young women has become known as the “fabulous five”.  This small group of flippers has accomplished a goal that has been long waited for.  The US hasn’t won a team gold medal since 1996.  All five had solid performances on the final rotation, the floor exercise.  Each of the five contributed to the winning score.  They were not just physically prepared they were mentally prepared also.  What an accomplishment for these young women who aren’t even old enough to remember the 96’ Olympics. 

You too can be an accomplished gold medalist.  You may be asking how?  Through hard work and determination, you can win.  It may not be in gymnastics or swimming, but it may be in a goal of your own.   Choose your goal or your dream; it is never too late to dream.  These are the visions of what you want your life to be, the thought of attaining your goal saturates your soul and brings you joy.  Your dream resides within you, but God placed it there.  Just as Jesus said, “apart from Me you can do nothing.”  You can do anything with God’s help.  He will give you the energy and the creativity needed to fulfill your dreams.  Through hard work and determination you can accomplish your goals.  Let the Lord lead you.  Ask Him to be by your side as you endure the pain or the sweat.   

Build your dream on the non-failing never changing foundation of God.  You will know if your dreams come from God if it radiates in your heart and you can’t let go of it. 

Dear Lord we want to accomplish our goals and dreams that You have in store for us.  We know that apart from you we are nothing, so therefore we want you to be  part of the journey.  While we are flipping through life working continuously towards our goals assist us to be balanced.  With Your everlasting love we will reach our full potential during 2012. , Ministry Today, Are You Dreaming BIG Enough, Tommy Barnett, Monday, 28 February 2005